LID CONCEALS GARBAGE: Step’s garbage can has a swing-top lid that allows you to conceal your garbage
ELEGANT BATHROOM ITEM: A key feature that will catch your eye about Step is its stunning shiny surface, which is both elegantly attractive and streamlined, allowing it to complement any space in your bathroom, laundry area, or kitchen. The base design enhances the overall look by lifting the piece slightly off the countertop.
CAPACITY: Step waste can measures 7 ½ dia. x 10 ¼ and holds 1.7 gallons, making it great for bathrooms and under desks
DESIGNED BY TOM CHUNG FOR UMBRA: This modern garbage can is part of the Step Collection of bath accessories; color options include black and white.
DURABLE AND ELEGANT: Melamine is low-risk for breakage, making Step ideal for a busy households with high-volume traffic